30-year, fixed-rate home loan products accompanied by additional funds for down payment and closing costs. The assistance is available in the form of no-interest, deferred loan.
Flex Direct No down payment assistance (DPA) available, but offers our most competitive interest rates available to repeat homebuyers. External sources of DPA may be used.
Flex 5000 Comes with a $5,000 loan for down payment and closing costs. This second lien has a zero percent interest rate, and no payments are due for the life of the first mortgage. As soon as the first mortgage ends (repayment, refinance, transfer, sale, etc.), the second lien is due and payable. The 5000 line is eligible for Partner Match funds, if applicable.
Flex 3% Loan Comes with a DPA loan equal to 3% of the first mortgage in a zero percent deferred second lien.
Talk to an approved MMP lender to determine which loan is best for you!
Source: Maryland.gov
